Friday, November 28, 2008


I'm so thankful for many things! My parents are amazing! They let us stay with then between teams, Mom my is always helping me with the kids when Vic is away. My Dad will do anything for any one. I'm thankful that I get to stay home and take care of my kids. I'm thankful for the Church and the freedom to choose which one to attend. I'm thankful for my family and that we can get together and enjoy ourselves. Most of all I'm that I found such a wonderful husband who works his butt off to take care of us and makes sure we have everything we need and/or want. and sometimes has to sacrifice being alone without us. I know how hard it is for him to be away from the boys. I'm thankful for my little boys with their so sweet and unique personalities. I can not put into words how much I love them. I am so blessed to have them!

This year we had Thanksgiving at my Grandpa's house. My Mom's sister and brother were also there. Of course we had the usual...
Turkey, stuffing, corn, Dixie salad (modified to our liking), rolls, salad and more. Joined by much talking and laughter.

Before Dinner My sister got the candy for the little kids to make some turkeys. The kids loved it and they turned out really cute! I gave my sister's baby some crackers a little early and he made a HUGE mess. And of course Jiovan could not complete the night without injury. The neighbors have this little swing made of rope and a 5 gal bucket lid. It came back and hit him in the eye. The pic is when it first happened and it's getting darker.

It's not very often that we can get together as a whole family (as usual, minus victor). But we had to get a pic of just us siblings and Just us girls. It was fun to be together and I enjoyed seeing everyone again before I go...who knows when:)

Posted by Picasa* a side not I forgot to include. Crystal had Thanksgiving down the street at her in-laws house and couldn't make it until dinner was over but as we all hung around and were visiting I saw Crystal pull up through the window. I said "Crystal's here." and my Uncle Greg says, "Hurry! Everyone hide and turn out the lights!" So EVERYONE ran downstairs shut off the lights to hide. (even thoes laying down to let the food settle, AND the "old" people) When we get down there I'm like "did anyone get Corbin?" nope nobody did. S no one was upstairs and the lights were off. Just Corbin wandering around. Crystal had no idea where everone went. and then we sent Jiovan upstairs. then turned on the light so she would come down. Then when she got to the door we all screemed and scared her. It was funny!


Anonymous said...

Oh everyone looks great... I heard that you all hid from Crystal... and then she got you back... I think that if I was you Crystal would have her butt kicked.

Love you,


Torgersons said...

Such a flippin cute family! We totally had Dixie salad too. Crazy. I thought it was just Dan's fam that loved that stuff.

The Hoffmans said...

Happy Thanksgiving girly! You look just as gorgeous as ever!